ModedesignerIn | fashion designer: Irene Jia
Ravensbourne College London

director: Pia Mozet
model: Paula Rieck
assistant director: Jenny E. Kleine
director of photography: Nick Kohl
sound design: Timm Weber
lighting technician: Joshua Reiher
make-up artist: Nicola Funke
camera assistant: Freya Siewert
setrunner: Angel Genkov
BTS: Yavor Minchev
post production: Pia Mozet
props: Naturkundemuseum Gera, Phyletisches Museum Jena

Sponsoren | sponsoring:
Bauhaus Universität Weimar,
Apolda European Design Award 2020,
Rüberg-Medien. Marketing.Models,
Friseur Masson

Danke an | Thanks to:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Bernhard Leopold Bock, Marius Hähnel, Back-Factory Weimar
special thanks to: Rene Köhler, Naturkundemuseum Gera

Das Projekt Fashion Clips wurde geleitet von | the project Fashion Clips was led by Prof. Wolfgang Kissel, Olaf Nenninger, Jörg Heiß
Projektkommunikation | project communication: Alena Kroker

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